Adventure with Journeys With Purpose

Words by
Sphere Editors

9th January 2024

Trips with Journeys With Purpose focus on conservation and biodiversity, whilst creating a tailored itinerary for each private group to get the very best out of the captivating environment they choose to explore. Here we share the upcoming flagship journey 'Unknown Belize', as well as a couple of options for bespoke journeys to get booked in the diaries this year.

Unknown Belize

Bespoke Adventures Journeys with Purpose - Belize
Enter into the biodiverse Belize landscape with Unknown Belize

Unknown Belize is hosted by Paul Lister, founder of The European Nature Trust (TENT), and Roni Martinez, TENT country manager and one of Belize’s top nature guides. Embarking on a journey across Belize’s three biomes. From open Savannah to depths of greenery in Belize Maya Forest and taking a dip to capture a glimpse of gleaming coral reefs.

The trip is an opportunity to travel into the core of Belize’s conservation projects currently working to protect the range of endangered flora and fauna. From exploration of both natural and man-made wonders above and below ground, at the Caracol Mayan Ruins and the Chiquibil Forest Caves. To spotting the vibrant rainbow blur of a swooping scarlet macaw on a boat ride.

Learn more about and join Unknown Belize here, priced from £10,600

Adventures In The Galápagos

Bespoke Adventures Journeys with Purpose - Bird Island
Explore the abundance of species on Genovesa Island, otherwise known as "The Bird Island"

Immerse yourself in the captivating Galápagos Islands and discover the thrill of activities that promise to be the highlight of your journey. From snorkelling at Las Grietas to trailing alongside giant tortoises in Santa Cruz and touring neighbouring islands aboard the lavish Integrity yacht. Browse all the activities to can personalise your visit to the ‘Enchanted Isles with here

The Journeys With Purpose project for the Galapagos, named El Frente Insular, is aiming to conserve the oceans and marine life surrounding the islands. As part of the activities, they have integrated coastal cleanups and environmental education sessions to work towards this cause little by little. 

Authentic Zambia

Bespoke Adventures Journeys with Purpose - Old Mondoro Camp
Old Mondoro Camp, Zambia

Take to the habitats of Zambia for a safari that isn't quite like any other. Going from boat rides up the Zambezi River past striking elephant herds, through to calm golden-hour sundowners and sleep outs underneath the constellations. View the full range of activities for your bespoke Zambia venturing here.

Journeys With Purpose provide support through community activities with the jewellery and art workshops: Tribal Textiles and Mulberry Mongoose. In addition to the ability to integrate visits to local projects such as the primary school and Maunga clinic into your trip.

Browse all of the Bespoke Journeys at